Join Us At the

Third Annual Run F.A.R. 5K Run Walk

For Fibroid Awareness and Resources

Race day is Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Arabia Mountain

3787 Klomdike Road

Stonecrest, Georgia 30038

The Fibroid Pandemic

Helping humans with a uterus make informed decisions as they embark on their fibroid healing journey

The Fibroid Pandemic

Helping humans with a uterus make informed decisions as they embark on their fibroid healing journey


What are


What are fibroids

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop in the uterus. No root cause is known, however, it’s believed that the hormones estrogen and progesterone play a key role in the formation and growth of fibroids. Many humans with a uterus may be asymptomatic and unaware they have fibroids, while others may experience debilitating and painful symptoms such as menorrhagia heavy (abnormally heavy or prolonged menstrual cycles), pelvic pressure or pain, anemia, pica, hair loss, skin issues, brain fog, extreme lethargy, incontinence, reproductive issues, and more!


Who do

fibroids affect

Who do fibroids affect

Uterine fibroids affect approximately 70 percent of humans with a uterus in child bearing age. However, this condition disproportionately affects Black humans with a uterus who are three times more likely to develop uterine fibroids. They are also more likely to develop fibroids earlier in life, have larger tumors, experience more intense symptoms, and have a higher rate of surgery and hospitalization than other ethnicities.

Get involved

Community Support

Community Support

While everyone should always speak to a qualified and board certified healthcare professional, it’s important that humans with a uterus also have access to resources in order to make well informed decisions. Here at The Fibroid Pandemic, we connect humans with a uterus with a trusted community of experts who specialize in non-invasive treatment, minimally invasive procedures, major surgery, mental health support, womb wellness education, fitness and nutrition, chemical-free products, and much more! To become part of our community, click here.

Why we care and are trying to help.

Fibroid diagnosis in the United States 

Uterine fibroids are a growing global pandemic. Knowing the facts is essential in ones healing journey. We are committed to keeping you well informed as information continues to develop around the cause of uterine fibroids and the available resources to overcome them!


Up to 80% of humans with a uterus will develop at least one fibroid by age 50.


40% of Black humans with a uterus are more likely interested in uterus-preserving options compared to 20% of their white counterparts.


Roughly 600,000 hysterectomies are performed in the U.S. each year. Black humans with a uterus experience fibroids at an earlier age, have more severe symptoms, and increased disease burden.


Nearly 90 percent of hysterectomies performed are for non-cancerous medical conditions.

About Us

What We Stand For.

The Fibroid Pandemic was created to help humans with a uterus make informed decisions as they embark on their journey to healing uterine fibroids through:




We’re committed to providing tools and resources needed to best advocate for one's health and well-being. We want to help you heal and live your best life!

© The Fibroid Pandemic | Powered by Prattis

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    Register for 2024 RUN F.A.R.

    5K Run/Walk

    We cordially invite you to participate in The Fibroid Pandemic’s third annual Run F.A.R. 5K Run/Walk at Arabia Mountain, Atlanta, GA (Stonecrest) on July 20, 2024.